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USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial

USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial

USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial adalah software security yang cukup baik untuk melakukan perlindungi terhadap USB Drive anda. USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial berfungsi melindungi USB drive anda dari serangan berbagai macam virus, seperti malware, spyware, worm dan lainya. USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial memiliki proses scaning file yang cepat yang akan membantu anda dalam masalah keamanan komputer. USB virus ini melakukan pembaharuan terhadap fixed bug sehingga lebih optimal dan kini hadir dengan versi USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial yang patut anda coba dan anda rasakan ketajaman dalam urusan membasmi virus.

Feature :
  • Get control over the use of all USB storage devices - You can set the USB drive status to Read only or Readable/Writable both on the machine, also you can disable usage of any usb storage devices to prevent data leaks across USB flash drives. more information
  • 100% protection against any virus via USB drives - USB Virus Scan uses innovative technology to block any threats via USB drive,any USB drives inserted into computer, USB Virus Scan will automatically scan it and remove threats. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which can offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 60% protection.
  • Clean USB virus in your infected system - USB Virus Scan can not only block virus spreading thought external removable media, but also has the ability to detect and remove usb virus in your computer. What you need to do is clicking the scan button,and waiting for virus scan to complete.
  • The best solution to protect offline computer - Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they can not effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. USB Virus Scan uses advanced detection techniques, it doesn?t mainly rely on virus signature, so it can protect offline computer from usb virus effectively without updating frequently.
  • The world?s fastest and smallest antivirus software - With USB Virus Scan, it?s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare with other antivirus software and you?ll discover that USB Virus Scan installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 5 to 8 MB of RAM.
  • 100% compatible with all software - Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other?s functioning. However, USB Virus Scan is 100% compatible with all other security products in fully testing, including Norton,Nod32,Bitdefender,Kaspersky,etc.
  • Easy to use - USB Virus Scan has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user?s level of computer expertise.
  • Just install and forget it.
  • No recurring payment, the license key is lifetime - Other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year. The USB Virus Scan keys are lifetime. You receive all future program updates free of charge.

Download USB Virus Scan v2.4 Build 0827 Full Serial Disini
iklanBuruan Pasang Iklan Anda Di DHE Dengan Harga Yang Terjangkau.Pajang bisnis online anda di DHE dan dapatkan keuntungan yang lebih dari penjualan produk bisnis anda.
iklanBuruan Pasang Iklan Anda Di DHE Dengan Harga Yang Terjangkau.Pajang bisnis online anda di DHE dan dapatkan keuntungan yang lebih dari penjualan produk bisnis anda.
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  • Iklan Teks Murah

    Hanya Rp.5.000/bulan, Pasang Iklan Teks Anda Disini Sekarang Juga!

  • Iklan Teks Murah

    Hanya Rp.5.000/bulan, Pasang Iklan Teks Anda Disini Sekarang Juga!

  • Iklan Teks Murah

    Hanya Rp.5.000/bulan, Pasang Iklan Teks Anda Disini Sekarang Juga!

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